News (6)

Calendar Photo Competition 2021 »

Want to see your own Lännen multipurpose machine in the Lännen 2021 calendar? If so, send your proposal to the Lännen Calendar Photo Contest ->...

LMCE Group

Environmental dredging project in Xi´an, China »

X i’an, the historic capital in the northwest of China, has been a city with abundant water resources and its development has been closely related to the...

LMCE Group

The town’s right-hand man »

Taivalkoski in Koillismaa is a Finnish municipality that upholds the good old traditions in many ways. One of these traditions is cooperation with Lännen...

LMCE Group

Tramway constructor »

The tramway network in Tampere is shaping up at a promising pace, and as in any large project, the skills of the operatives are crucial for the success....

LMCE Group

Lundberg working in the City of Art »

The town of Mänttä-Vilppula in Upper Pirkanmaa province was formerly known for its strong forest industry, but more recently the region has gained special...

LMCE Group

Increased demand through versatility »

Koneurakointi Tuuli Oy from Tortinmäki in Turku acquired their first Lännen multifunction machine second-hand. There was no instant need for the machine...

LMCE Group

Lännen 8600K – based on rational arguments »

Maanrakennus Markku Vikstedt Oy's new Lännen 8600K is mainly employed within maintenance of streets and related tasks in the City of Espoo, but if need...

LMCE Group

The new Lundberg 50-series with major innovations »

Lundberg unveiled their latest series of multipurpose machines early in the summer in Stockholm. The technological solutions and properties of machines in...

LMCE Group

Lännen Multipurpose machine can boost the utilization rate »

Tampereen Vera Oy has noticed how choosing the right machine can boost the efficiency of the operations. They carefully optimise the need of equipment...

LMCE Group