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The journey of the Lännen multipurpose machine to the customer is the result of the cooperation of many dedicated factors. On this page, you can get acquainted with the secrets of manufacturing Lännen multipurpose machines at Lännen Tractors factory.
From the beginning of the production process, the manufacturing conditions of a customer-specific machine are ensured. When all parties are in agreement on the outcome, it is the turn of dozens of different work steps where our experts adhere to quality certificates and utilize modern tools and methods.
The customer's wishes are realized down to the smallest detail. The customer can therefore trust that the end result is of the best possible quality.
Welcome to the #makingofLannen series, which will be updated on this page, where we will tell you more about the different stages of production.
Ari Keinumäki, who has made a long career selling Lännen machines, says that the most important thing in sales is to listen to what the customer wants from the machine.
The seller can talk about the opportunities a Lännen multipurpose machine can offer for the customer’s tasks at work. Together the customer, the seller, as well as the designers working at the factory and the rest of the organisation can tailor a solution that meets the customer’s needs.
– Customisation is absolutely the greatest strength of Lännen machines. Often a previous machine has given the customer a clear idea of what the new machine should be like. In that case, we mainly follow the familiar paths. But there are also plenty of situations in which the machine needs a more unusual solution, Keinumäki says.
– Often this means that it’s only in the evening after the working day is over that we sit down with the customer and think about what the new machine could be like. Sometimes the decision is made quickly, but at other times it can take years to get back to business, Keinumäki says with a smile.
Ari Keinumäki
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Henri Maidell
Even if a sale has not been concluded yet, the design of the new machine has still been started at the factory. This is important, because first, it is the only way to make sure that the planned machine and all of its customisations can even be realised. The second reason is calculating a precise offer.
– Once the sale is concluded, the plan is practically ready at the same moment. The plans are sent to the production line, and the production has already known for a while what kind of a machine they will now be working on, because we’ve talked about all of this together, says Research and Development Engineer Ilkka Saha.
The designers review the project directly with the customer if necessary, and even go on work site to see what kind of work the machine is intended for.
Of course, the design department also develops plenty of new products and models. They use the latest design technology and expertise with regard to e.g. 3D modelling, strength and flow calculations, prototype testing and industrial design.
– We get development suggestions for the machines from many different directions. Customers, production, sellers and maintenance advisors. There’s a constant interaction with different parties. At the same time, we assess what kind of changes are made possible by technological developments, for example, says Research and Development Engineer Henri Maidell.
A head start from the frame factory
Even though the manufacturing of each Lännen multipurpose machine starts based on an order, there is one small exception to this. In fact, the manufacturing of the frame is always one step ahead.
The company makes the machine frames at the Loimaa factory with its modern equipment, and Pasi Seppä, the supervisor of the frame factory, says that there are 135 different frame products on the list that also includes the frames of other machines by the LMCE Group.
Lännen frames are always made for the inventory in advance from welding to machining and from there to the surface treatment and preliminary equipment stage, which means that manufacturing a new machine can start quickly. Therefore, the frames are the only stage of production where the products are not earmarked in advance for a specific order.
Up-to-date technology is used for the welding and machining, and even though modern frames are completed every day by the production, the past has not been forgotten either.
– If necessary, we can make spare parts for 30-year-old machines, too, Seppä notes.
Marko Korkki
Material handling & welding
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Production of Lännen multipurpose machines starts at frame factory.
Prefabricated steel sections are received and inspected before delivery to welding points.
Components are assembled from steel sections and these are welded together.
The parts are positioned in a welding fixture – this is important to ensure the quality of the end product.
After tack welding, the components continue their journey to either manual welding or a robot welding cell, depending on the product.
Robotic welding & machining
When the parts have been bridge welded to the shape of the component, for example the front frame on view, these are attached to the fixture on the welding robots position in order to reach welds with best available position.
After the robot has welded the component the last parts are added and it is finished by hand. The following step is the machining where the needed surfaces are machined, holes drilled and threads treated.
After machining the work pieces are going to be cleaned and painted.
Janne Mattsson
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Janne Mattsson has worked in the metal industry for a long time. Roughly three last years, he has been operating the machine tools at the chassis plant of Lännen Tractors.
Janne works mainly at one of the three machining stations of the chassis plant. The factory is working in two shifts and in total six workers are operating the machine tools.
Surface finishing
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Components, welded and machined at the frame factory, are surface finished and painted before the assembly.
The durability of the paint is ensured by steel ball blasting.
Parts with order-specific colors are washed and painted at the painting oven, so the drying of the paint is fast and components are able to move to the assembly line after cooled down.
Lännen multipurpose machines are assembled at the assembly line. Components that are made by frame factory or subcontractors, modified by electrical engineers, and purchased from suppliers are combined by the customer customized order together.
The diesel engine is equipped and the cabin, oil tank, front loader, and backhoe are sub-assembled in their own workstations by order.
Sub-assemblies are also combined with the main product at the assembly line.
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Once a Lännen multipurpose machine is assembled it goes through several rigorous tests and controls. The test drive ensures that every component delivers at the highest possible performance. The drivetrain, as well as the hydraulic system, is measured and adjusted at multiple locations.
The controls and tests are made to verify that every specific adjustment is made after the customer's request as well as to maintain the high Lännen quality standards.
At the finishing workshop all the work attachments, bottom shields, engine hood, covers, as well as toolboxes are assembled and mounted on the machine.
The paint job also goes through a final control before the decals are installed. Final documentation is collected and the equipment is checked one final time.
Before delivery to the customer, the Lännen machine is thoroughly cleaned from inside out.
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Delivery review
At this stage, it is checked that the machine to be delivered is as ordered.
It is considered that the equipment is as desired and the functions are as they should be.
After sales
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When a Lännen multipurpose machine leaves the factory, it is the start of tens of years of career.
Lännen after sales takes care of its ability to work during its lifetime. Over the years, machine operators and work tasks change and the machine is transforming along the way.
It is serviced, repaired, and tuned to suit different work tasks. Lännen service network takes care of the maintenance and repairs of the machines and Lännen spare parts ensure parts availability for the various needs of new and old machines.
If there are any problems or questions along the way, they can be solved together with Lännen technical support specialists.